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1300-1700 Thailand "Canoe or Boat Money"

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1300-1700 Thailand "Canoe or Boat Money"

SKU: 9637



  • 1300-1700 Thailand "Canoe Money" from Kingdom of Lan Xang (Lanchang)
    In older cultrues there is an overlaping in currency and weights, a good example is Northern Thailand and Laos, were the so-called "Bar Money" and "Boat Money" likely served as both mediums of exchange, and were used and accepted thoroughout Southeast Asia.
    They were crudely casted, in many variants.
    Here is your opportunity to own a pice of ancient Asian History.
    This one is called "Canoe Money"
    weights 23.0 grams
    3 inches long, 1/2 inches wide, 1/4 inches thick
    Made of Bronze
    1/2 Tamlung or One Baht

  • Material: Bronze
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